
6 Days Tour

DAY 1 – (6hrs aprox)
We pick you up from the airport and take you to OLLANTAYTAMBO town where you will stay at night. Along the way we will have 3 stops, the first is at CHINCHERO town 45 mins. away where you will visit the best textiles weavers of the region who use ancient techniques. After that you will continue for 40 mins. to see and explore the salt mines, a unique place in this world where you will have the chance to walk around and taste the salt that local farmers produce. Then Half an our away you will stop at MORAY which is a wonderful group of circular terraces perfectly done by Inkas for farming purposes. Next we drive for one hour down to OLLANTAYTAMBO along a hidden road where you will have the chance see a different and amazing view of the sacred valley. Finally we drop you at your hotel.
Following this Itinerary you avoid altitude sickness and you gain one day of exploration.

DAY 2 – (8 hrs aprox)
We start the tour at 9:00 am and the first place to visit is the Archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo a wonderful example of the Inka engineering which takes around an hour to see everything, after that we drive along one hour and we stop to see the best Museum of Cusco along the sacred valley called INKARY where you can have a better idea of the cultures developing in Peru. Half an hour later we have our lunch break at Pisaq colonial town. After a nice lunch we go up to Pisaq Inka village which is locate up in the mountains, this place is an Incredible Inka remind where you will have the chance to see a huge group of terraces, living rooms and tombs. (we suggest to take a warn layer cause is a windy place) Then we go down to the town to see some artisanal handy crafts. Back to OLLANTAYTAMBO, hour and a half aprox.

DAY 3:  willoc community visit + pumamarca exploration

“We suggest you to pack and be ready for a half day hike, if you need trekking poles or anything else you can rent them over here”
This day you will have a different experience. We leave the hotel at 8:30 am to go to visit a native community called WILLOC which is 1:30 hrs driving located up in the Andes at 3900 m.a.s.l. (12800 ft) This community still preserves an incredible heritage from inkas time, such as textiles weaving, farming, animals breeding like LLAMAS AND ALPACAS so you will have the chance to interact with them. After this we will go back down driving for 30 mins to start a little hike up for 45 mins to PUMAMARCA a very beautiful inka remind where you will be the only one cause is not a famous place, here we will enjoy our box lunch and after a exploration and many picture because is a beautiful place, then we will start to descent walking for 3 hrs along a original INCA TRAIL where besides a amazing view of the Andes you will see a huge group of farming terraces made by incas. This downhill is moderated. We will be back in town around 5:00 pm.

Day 4: Inka Trail Hike

We will take a early train (from 5:00 to 7: 30 am, according train company availability) one hour later train will stop for us to get off and start hiking (you need to show your passport at the check point). We will hike up for 3 or 4 hrs aprox. Then we will stop at Wiñaywayna inca remain to explore to enjoy the view and to enjoy the box lunch we will provide you. After we have 1:30 hrs more along a gentle path to reach the sun gate, first spot from where you can see an amazing view of machupicchu in the afternoon. Then we will go down for 30 mins to get to Machupicchu Inka city to enjoy the famous view and take hundreds pictures of it. Right after we will catch a bus down to aguas calientes town to sleep at the hotel.


You will leave the hotel early in the morning to catch a bus to go up to MACHUPICCHU for 25 mins and you will start with the tour around the wonderful Inka city for a couple of hours and after you have time to explore on your own and see the SUN GATE, the INCA BREACH which are free options or to climb or Waynapicchu mountain and Machupicchu mountain places where you need to book it and pay on advance to get in, (3 months at least) if you want to do this lets us know we can help you (make sure you take snacks with you)
Your guide will help you with those details to do this tour in the best way.
After all exploration you need to go back down to Aguas Calientes to have lunch and catch the train back to Ollantaytambo which take around 1:45 hrs and you will be picked up at the train station to go toward CUSCO city for 2 hours aprox, where you will spend the night.

DAY 6 – Cusco City Exploration

This day is perfect even if you leave the same day in the afternoon or even better if you leave next day.
We combine this tour with driving and walking trying to show you more things. Tour will start at 8:00 am if you leave the same day in the afternoon or 9:00 am or even at 1:30 pm if you leave next day.

The transportation will take to visit a beautiful Animals refuge where you will see many native animals in danger, here you can observe the very nice work people is doing to protect them. The you will come back to QENQO a nice small and mysterious Inka remain. Next you will visit SACSAYWAMAN an enormous Inka remain where you will get a great view of the city as well. After this you will go back driving to the city to explore the most traditional market called SAN PEDRO MARKET a very colorful place where we are sure you will get impressed with everything you will see there and to finish you will walk back to the main square where you can enjoy lunch. But if you are leaving you will be taken to airport to catch your flight. (lets us know your departure flight time please).


  • Pick up from airport the first day and transfer off on the last day.
  • Private transportation every day.
  • Private English speaker professional Guide everyday
  • Entrance fee for the short inca trail hike.
  • Box lunch.
  • One night in 3* hotel in aguas calientes.
  • Round trip train ticket to Aguas Calientes town (Machupicchu town)
  • Round trip bus ticket from Aguas calientes to Machupicchu Inka city.
  • Entrance fee to Machupicchu Inka city.
  • Guided Tour around Machupicchu Inka city.
  • Transportation from Ollantaytambo town back to cusco city.


  • Meals (our guide will help you to choose a good place)
  • City and sacred Valley Entrance ticket (there are two kinds of tickets and you can get them according how long will you stay and which places you want to see- let us know your questions).
  • Once you book with us you will have to make the deposit of the 50% of the Price, the rest of it you can pay it directly over here (dollars or soles)
  • Please you have to be clear which kind of tour-package you wanna book and the exact date.
  • Some student cards are discounted, we will need a copy as soon as you book with us
  • Kids under 11 years old don’t pay admission to some tourist attractions.
  • You have to take your passport all the time with you because you will have to show it to do the checking at the hotel, to get in the inca trail, to catch the train and you get in Machupicchu.


Is very important to know this so you have the idea of what to pack. Along the year in the Andes we only have two season:

Rainy season: from November to April.

Dry season: from May to October


Something very important for you to now Is that the train to Machupicchu doesn’t allow you to take big cases with you so please don’t take nothing heavier than 15 kilos (30 pounds) or 2 bags of 10 kilos (20 pounds) each. We suggest you to pack light for 1 day or 1 night 2 days according your itinerary.




Peru has one of the most tasty food in the world and nowadays we have many good options to eat, ask to your guide a good recommendation or take a look trip advisor restaurant recommendations. But if you wanna explore a bit more you should go to see our famous PICANTERIAS which are traditional local places where you only find typical food served in enormous portions accompanied by the inka beer called CHICHA made of corn.

If you like coffee we suggest you to visit the most traditional and first coffee shop in town named CAFÉ AYLLU. This is a local place where you can enjoy the flavor of our wonderful Peruvian organic coffee.


Price per Person

Category: Our Unique Tours


6 Days Tour